How to enable two-factor authentication feature?

Go to Dashboard > Settings > Modules and enable the Two-Factor Authentication module. After enabling the module, the two-factor authentication feature will be activated on your website.

Users will be not forced to enable 2FA. Users who wish to enhance their account security can activate it by navigating to Profile > Settings > Security.

How do users activate two-factor authentication?

For users to activate two-factor authentication, the staff must first enable the two-factor authentication module from the Modules. After that, users can activate two-factor authentication from their account security settings.

  1. Go to Profile > Settings > Security.
  2. Enable the “Two-Factor Authentication”.
  3. Scan the QR code with the Google Authenticator app.
  4. Enter the code generated by the Google Authenticator app in the “Code” field and click the “Verify” button.

If the code is correct, two-factor authentication will be activated. Now, every time you log in, you will be asked to enter the code generated by the Google Authenticator app.

How do users disable two-factor authentication?

  1. Go to Profile > Settings > Security.
  2. Disable the “Two-Factor Authentication”.

How to reset two-factor authentication?

If you have lost your phone or cannot access the Google Authenticator app, you can reset the two-factor authentication by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click the “I don’t have access!” link on the two-factor authentication page.
  3. Enter your email address to get the reset link.
  4. Click the link in the email you received and reset the two-factor authentication.

How to disable two-factor authentication on the database?

If you have lost your phone or cannot access the Google Authenticator app as a staff member, you can disable the two-factor authentication module from the database by following these steps:

  1. Connect to your database. (phpMyAdmin, MySQL Workbench, etc.)
  2. Choose your database.
  3. Run the following SQL query:
UPDATE Modules SET `isEnabled` = '0' WHERE `slug` = 'tfa';