What are the supported Ban plugins?

We currently support LiteBans and AdvancedBan.

How can I set up Punishments module?

  1. Install a supported Ban plugin on your Minecraft server. What are the supported Ban plugins?
  2. Connect the Ban plugin to a MySQL server.
  3. Go to Dashboard > Settings > Punishments and select a supported Ban plugin.
  4. You can connect to the same MySQL server with the website or a different one. If you want to use the different MySQL server, enter the credentials for this server.

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How to connect LiteBans to a MySQL server?

  1. Install LiteBans on your Minecraft server.
  2. Open the config.yml file in the LiteBans folder.
  3. Find the sql section and enter your MySQL credentials.
    • Change the driver to MySQL.
    • Enter your MySQL server ip, database name, username, and password.
      # H2, MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL are supported database drivers.
      driver: MySQL
      ## MySQL/PostgreSQL settings ##
      # If using H2, the database will be stored in the LiteBans plugin folder,
      # and most of these settings won't apply.
      # Database server address.
      address: MYSQL_SERVER_IP:3306
      # Database name, username and password.
      database: 'litebans'
      username: ''
      password: ''
  4. Restart your server.

How to connect AdvancedBan to a MySQL server?

  1. Install AdvancedBan on your Minecraft server.
  2. Open the config.yml file in the AdvancedBan folder.
  3. Set true the UseMySQL option.
  4. Find the MySQL section and enter your MySQL credentials.
    • Change the driver to MySQL.
    • Enter your MySQL server ip, database name, username, and password.
    UseMySQL: true
      Username: MYSQL_USERNAME
      Password: MYSQL_PASSWORD
      Port: 3306
  5. Restart your server.