Tebex Checkout has 2 requirements for eligibility and use:

  • Your business must have a minimum revenue of $60,000 over the last 12 months.
  • Your business is registered in the US/UK/EU/Israel Regions.

If you not meet these requirements, you can use Tebex Store instead.

Please remember that Tebex Store and Tebex Checkout are different systems. Before using Tebex Checkout, make sure to create a Tebex Checkout project on Tebex. https://creator.tebex.io/webstores/tebex-checkout/create

Go to Settings > Payment Methods page, and fill in the fields.

UsernameTebex Checkout Username https://creator.tebex.io/payment-methods/settings
API KeyTebex Checkout API Key https://creator.tebex.io/payment-methods/settings
Secret KeyWebhook Secret Key https://creator.tebex.io/webhooks/endpoints

How can I setup Tebex Checkout?

  1. Go to Tebex > Payments > Checkout Settings
  2. Find Checkout API Key section and copy to clipboard your “Username” and “API Key”.
  3. Go to Tebex > Integrations > Webhooks > Endpoints
  4. Copy the “Secret Key”. Images
  5. Enter the copied Username, API Key, and Secret Key into Dashboard > Payment Settings > Tebex Checkout page, and click the “Save Changes” button. Do not proceed to the next step without saving these changes!
  6. Now, you need to setup Webhook to process payments. Click the “Add Endpoint” on Webhook Endpoints page.
  7. Enter your Endpoint URL and check the “Payment Completed” type. Please replace “yourwebsite.com” with your actual website address.
  • Endpoint URL: https://yourwebsite.com/callback/tebex_checkout
  • Webhook Types: Payment Completed
