How does the blog comments feature work?

Users can leave comments on blog posts to share their thoughts and feedback. First, the user must be logged in to leave a comment. Once logged in, the user can scroll to the bottom of the blog post and type their comment in the text box. After typing the comment, the user can click the “Post Comment” button to submit the comment. However, the comment will not be visible until it has been approved by staff.

How do I approve comments?

To approve comments, staff members can navigate to Dashboard > Content Management > Blog > Comments. From there, staff members can view all pending comments and choose to approve or reject them. Approved comments will be visible on the blog post for all users to see.

Can I delete comments?

Yes, staff members can delete comments if necessary. To delete a comment, staff members can navigate to Dashboard > Content Management > Blog > Comments and click the “Delete” button next to the comment they wish to remove.

Can I disable comments on a blog post?

Yes, staff members can disable comments on a blog post if necessary. To disable comments, staff members can navigate to Dashboard > Content Management > Blog > Posts and click the “Edit” button next to the blog post they wish to modify. From there, staff members can uncheck the “Allow Comments” checkbox to disable comments on that blog post.