How to enable Credit Packages?

Go to Dashboard > Settings > System Settings and enable the Credit Packages setting. After enabling the setting, you can add credit packages on the Dashboard > Store > Credit Packages page.

How to create a Credit Package?

Go to Dashboard > Store > Credit Packages > Add New. You can add a credit package by providing the following information:

  • Title: The title of the credit package.
  • Price: The price of the credit package.
  • Bonus Credits: The bonus credits that the user will receive when purchasing the credit package.
  • Description: The description of the credit package.
  • Image: The image of the credit package.
  • Price Tab:
    • Price: The price of the credit package.
    • Discount Status: Enable this setting to provide a discount on the credit package. If you enable this setting, you will need to provide the following information:
      • Discounted Price: The discounted price of the credit package.
      • Discount Duration Status: You can apply either a Permanent or a Temporary discount. If you select the Temporary discount, you will need to provide the following information:
        • Discount Duration: Choose an end date and time for the discount from the calendar.
  • Stock Tab:
    • Stock Status: Enable this setting to manage the stock of the credit package. If you enable this setting, you will need to provide the following information:
      • Stock: The stock of the credit package.

How to see the Credit Packages on the website?

You can see the credit packages on the Buy Credits page. Go to page to see the credit packages.


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How to disable Credit Packages?

Go to Dashboard > Settings > System Settings and disable the Credit Packages setting.