How to add a game server to send commands?

After purchasing a product, you can send commands to the game server. To add a game server, go to Dashboard > Store > Game Servers > Add New. You can add a game server by following the steps below:

  • Name: Enter the name of the game server.
  • Server IP: Enter the IP address of the game server.
  • Server Port: Enter the port of the game server.
  • Console Type: Select the console type of the game server. You can choose between RCON, Websender, Websend and LeaderOS Connect (recommended).
    • RCON: RCON is a protocol that allows you to send commands to the game server. Learn more about using RCON here.
      • Console Password: Enter the RCON password you set in the game server configuration.
      • Console Port: Enter the RCON port you set in the game server configuration.
    • Websender: Websender is a plugin that allows you to send commands to the game server. Learn more about using Websender here.
      • Console Password: Enter the Websender password you set in the plugin configuration.
      • Console Port: Enter the Websender port you set in the plugin configuration.
    • LeaderOS Connect: LeaderOS Connect is a LeaderOS plugin module that allows you to securely send commands to the game server. Learn more about using LeaderOS Connect here.

    You can check console connection after configuring the integration by clicking on the “Check Console Connection” button.

After adding a game server, you can link it to a product. To link a game server to a product, go to Dashboard > Store > Products > Edit Product > Commands. Select the game server for the added commands in the product.

How to fix the “Connection failed” error?

If you encounter a “Connection failed” error while adding a game server, you can check the following:

  • Check your Website URL on Dashboard > Settings > General. Make sure it is correct.
  • Check the IP address and port of the game server you entered.
  • Check your console integration settings. Make sure the console password and port are correct.
  • If you are using RCON, Websend or Websender, make sure firewall rules are set up correctly. You have to open the port you set in the game server configuration or plugin configuration on your game server and web server.
  • Please make sure that the game server is running and the console is enabled.
  • If you are using LeaderOS Connect, make sure the LeaderOS Connect plugin is installed on your game server and the LeaderOS Connect module is enabled.